''Tournée des expositions de l'entreprise en Afrique du Sud : ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités commerciales, embrasser de nouveaux clients''
'The company 's South Africa exposition tour : open up new business opportunities, embrace new clients '
Le development of enterprises is inseparable de le continu exploration of le marché, and participant in le %3 bSud African exhibition has opened a new door for us.
At the% 26nbsp;exposition, our bien disposé booth attracted a lot of attention. Interacting with% 26 points ;exposants and audiences de différents pays and regions not only allows us  ;à comprendre the latest developments in the industry, but also expands business  ;oopportunités . Par démontrant our haute qualité produits and innovateurs technologies, succès has attract éd% 26nbsp;le attention of beaucoup potentiel clients. Ici, we found a lot& nbsp;of nouveaux clients, ils ont montré excellent intérêt in our entreprises and produits.&n pb% 3bCommunication approfondie avec them has laid the foundation pour future coopération. %0 ré
Sud Afrique exposition is a platform full of opportunities, so that we% 26 points ;have the opportunity to show the strength of the enterprise on the& nbsp;international stage. We will take this oopportunité to continuously improve product quality  ;ande% 26nbsp;service levels, activement expand the international market, and work with new& nbsp% 3band old customers to create a better future.